Harvest time! October 2019!

Well, it has come around again, I have no idea why it comes round so fast.

This will be a fairly long trip as we have clients from the UK and the USA coming out with us. It’s going to quite full on. We fly out on the 11th and will be in Japan until November, busy times!

I will be doing some more posts very soon with what we will be doing out there but this is just to start the ball rolling.

We will give rough schedules on the Harvest and shows and what we will be up to.

I will be doing some new Vlogs as we are being asked to do much more, if there is any particular subject you want us to Vlog about then pleas get in touch info@qualitynishikigoi.com 

We will try and fullfil your request.

Make sure you are liking our Facebook page as we will be posting all the time on that page. This site will be updated daily every evening in Japan.

If there are any Koi you are looking for then email us and I will take your phone number and then send video and pictures of anything you may like.


Expect some amazing harvest footage this year, I hope it’s much better than before.

We will be posting a lot more on the run up to the best Koi time of the year.