Japan buying trip October 19th

With the Matsunosuke Harvest earlier on in the day we didn’t get much time out today.

However the clients who were with us have looked round at many other breeders but decided they wanted to bowl some Koi up at Shintaro. So we did…

Three very special Koi were bought which will be left here for another year, so we can do it all again next year!

These guys have been to Japan many times before and they know exactly what they are looking for. 2 of the guys have had Koi staying in Japan this last year and have had brilliant success. So they bought again!

This Kohaku is an amazing Sansai. An absolute battle ship of a fish. She has come out so well this year.

Then a beautiful Nisai, has the perfect Sandan pattern, the skin is unreal. The beni is so soft…

Then we have a superb Nidan Kohaku…Quality is excellent!