June update from Quality Nishikigoi.

Quality Nishikigoi update June 2020.

Just a quick update to get us into the next phased of the COVID situation.

We have been open throughout, but we have taken many cautions like click and collect and we have social distanced the very best we can. We even managed to social distance when a Koi club came to collect their Grow and Show Koi. We pre bagged the Koi and put them outside and the members had pre-arranged numbers and picked their Koi from the bags, picked that bag up and drove away, it was really good.

With the new guidelines making most retail shops open, we would still like to keep things in place.

The last thing we want right now is to have a packed shop. So, while are open to customers again from Tuesday the 9th we would still like to stress the social distancing. If you can give us a call to let us know you are coming down. The new tosai are still in Quarantine anyway so there isn’t any small Koi to see until at least mid-June.

So, if you can let us know what you are needing when you come that would be great. Stock is still flying out and we are short of some items so it’s best to call anyway if there is something specific you need.

Browsing is fine, but please respect the social distancing if other people are in the shop, and if there are more than 2 cars in the carpark then please wait and we will let you know when you can come into the shop.


We are still crazy busy here at the shop for online orders and customers collecting, plus all the outside work we are doing. As I type, we are installing one pond with a K1 Micro Bead system, another pond with a full Nexus 220 upgrade and getting 3 x Nexus 320 Systems ready for delivery by ourselves.

The pre orders on the new tosai have been crazy again and many have already been sold even though they are still with us.

We are still struggling to ship out with the couriers not taking live Koi at this moment in time, however we are sure this will improve soon.

We are also totally out of the EA Varipumps, like most. Since December 2019 we have sold over 120 units. We are being told that new stock will be with us at the end of the week, so fingers crossed. When I know an exact date, I will put stock back on the website for ordering. I don’t think they will last long, anywhere.

The YouTube channel still going strong, thank you everyone for subscribing and the fantastic feedback we are getting.  While of course it advertises products we sell, we are trying to show as many ponds as possible to give people ideas of ponds they can build in certain spaces. When it comes to planning a pond, they are really good to show you what you can achieve. Once things get back to a bit of normality, we can show you ponds from all over the world. The kind words from other dealers in the industry about how the videos have helped their sales has also been welcoming. When we hit 10,000 Subscribers we will also be giving away a massive prize so please make sure you have subscribed.

Here are some of the latest videos.