Matsuda Japanese Handling Nets

If you are a serious Koi enthusiast, you know that handling your prized fish can be a delicate and tricky task. That is why we are proud to introduce you to Matsuda Japanese Handling Nets – the very best Koi handling nets in the world.

These nets are a must-have for any Koi keeper, as they are the preferred choice of professional breeders in Japan. Matsuda Handling Nets are known for their amazing quality and are designed to make moving large Koi hassle-free and stress-free. With a 30cm opening, these nets are perfect for safely and gently handling your Koi without causing any harm or stress.

One of the standout features of these nets is that they have a water-holding design and a net area at the end, making it easy to release the water and keep the fish in the net for an extended period without causing any harm. The nets come in standard and long handle lengths, making it convenient for individuals of all heights to scoop their Koi without having to bend down.

Matsuda Handling Nets are truly the Rolls Royce of Koi handling nets. They are the go-to choice for Japanese breeders, who trust and rely on them for their delicate handling needs. These nets are only available when our team visits Japan, and we bring back limited quantities each time. That’s why we urge you to grab them while they are still in stock.

We at Quality Nishikigoi are a fast-growing business with a strong passion for Koi keeping. Our commitment to providing top-quality products to our customers has led us to expand our facilities and stock the very best dry goods and Koi food, which has received rave reviews from our loyal clientele.

Browse our website to discover our extensive range of products, including the full range of Evolution Aqua products and our in-house Koi food range. And if you have any questions or need assistance in choosing the perfect Japanese Handling Net for your pond, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are always happy to help and provide expert advice to help you make the best decision for your Koi. You can buy the Matsuda Japanese Handling Nets here

Matsuda Japanese Handling Nets